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de Skylar Grey / pe Invincible / an 2000


[Verse 1]

I take these pills to make me thin

I dye my hair, and cut my skin

I tried everything, to make them see me

But all they see, is someone that's not me


Even when I'm walking on a wire

Even when I set myself on fire

Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

Everyday I try to look my best

Even though inside I'm such a mess

Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

[Verse 2]

Here inside, my quiet hell

You cannot hear, my cries for help

I tried everything, to make them see me

But every one, sees what I can't be


Even when I'm walking on a wire

Even when I set myself on fire

Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

Everyday I try to look my best

Even though inside I'm such a mess

Why do I always feel invisible, invisible


Sometimes when I'm alone

I pretend that I'm a queen

It's almost believable


Even when I'm walking on a wire

Even when I set myself on fire

Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

Everyday I try to look my best

Even though inside I'm such a mess

Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

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