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I will destroy all that's in my way

Believe me there will be no mercy

So go ahead and fucking touch me

I won't cease you'll end up feet deep

So go ahead and fucking touch me

Left for dead, and far too busy biting down on the cement

Shattered grin to match the cracks that stretch across this old pavement

You're scum

I'll rip your worthless life right from your eyes

I'll fucking seize everything

Like fucking vultures

Prey upon the weak

Like fucking vultures

Like fucking vultures

This will not end tonight

A plague sent from the sky

We'll hunt and we will feast

An unstoppable breed

Forget your hopes and dreams

I'll slaughter everything

We are the fear in the back of your mind

We are the ruthless and we can not die (we can not die)

Like a disease running down through your spine

We are the ruthless and we wont die

This is more then a war

This is the dawning of a god damn massacre

It's time we settle this score

So from your throat to the floor

Blood will pour

Blood will pour

I'll raise a toast to those decayed

And piss all over your fucking grave

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