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Dear Spike

de The Aquabats / an -


Dear spike,

I can tell that your company cares about its customers

And that's why i wrote this letter

To express my thanks to you in this endeavor

Today i got my stuff that i ordered long ago

And i wanted you to know that i also got the note

And now if you don't mind, i'd like to take some time

I hope you understand this letter from a grateful fan

I had a dream, a very strange dream

Where i was waiting for my package

Then up through the clouds

I saw this bus, a flying bus,

It was coming towards me

It hovered above, i saw my order

Floating down and softly touched ground

Then i saw spike, he was flying the bus

He smiled and waved as the bus flew away

I just wanna let you know

How grateful i am to you

I appreciate all the hard work

And kindness you put into

Dear spike

Dear spike

What a task it must have been

Dear spike

Dear spike

I'm so glad to know you didn't forget me

You didn't forget me, spike

I wrote you a letter

I ordered a t-shirt and a cadet package

You sent me a letter and said,

"it's on its way!"

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