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Golden Path


As I walked along

The supposed golden path

I was confronted

By a mysterious specter

he pointed to the graveyard

over on yonder hill

I paused in cosmic reflection

confused and wondering.

Of how I came to die to die... (to fade)

Hmmm I was confused

Forever I was dead

how and why did I die?

but I composed myself

and decided I should face him

But I stood paralyzed

on the supposed golden path.

and I was confronted

by a powerful demon force

and they said it was the devil

and when he spoke his words flowed like glowing lava

from the mouth of a flowing volcano

and I said help me lord ( to fade)

I found myself in some kind of hell

but I did not believe in a

Heaven and hell world of opposite's kind of reality

and I gained control of myself

and I decided to press on

and as I walked along the supposed golden path

I was trembling with fear all the lions and wizards yet to come.

I seen in the distance silver mountains rising high and the clouds

and voice from above did whisper some shining answer from the womb.

Please forgive me I never meant to hurt you

Please forgive me I never meant to hurt you

Please forgive me I never meant to hurt you

Please forgive me I never meant to hurt you

As I walked along

Please forgive me I never meant to hurt you

As I walked along

Please forgive me I never meant to hurt you

Please forgive me I never meant to hurt you

Please forgive me I never meant to hurt you

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