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de The Getaway Plan / pe Requiem / an 1993


Somewhere along the road to your house

You took a wrong turn and abandoned yourself

Sailing slow, low, through the night

You say that you are a child of the world

But can you build bridges with some other girl?

Do you believe in freedom, son?

Do you remember, no matter the weather

You hide out and dance through the rain in the dark

Do you still believe in love?

When the journey began, your heart was in tears

Say that your heart is a burdon to bear

Dragging me with you through the sand

You say that time will heal of our wounds

Well, I wouldn't care for a day in your shoes

Do you believe in freedom, son?

Do you remember, no matter the weather

You hide out and dance through the rain in the dark

Do you still believe in love?

Do you remember, no matter the weather

You hide out and dance through the rain in the dark

Do you still believe in love?

Do you still believe?

Do you still believe in love?

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