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Confidence Man


Well, I lost you at the border,

when you crossed it

Had your number, baby,

but I lost it

I know your love,

was just a flimflam

Well, you can't pull the wool over me,

cause I'm a confidence man

I can talk old ladies,

out of all of their money

I can talk young girls,

into calling me honey

You can talk all you want, baby,

but I got fast hands

I know your mother

Taught you how to bake a pie,

and read a book

Your daddy

Taught you how to tell a lie,

and not get shook

Let me tell you somethin', baby

You better learn,

If you're gonna con the con man,

You're liable to get burned

Now, now, now,

We were stretched out on the floor, baby,

it's all elastic

But you stretched it too tight,

and it snapped like plastic,

and the pieces went flying across the badlands.

Well, you can't pull the wool over me,

'cause I'm a confidence man.

Now, maybe Chicago,

is where you're bound

But love is a cheap perfume,

it hangs around

And you roll the dice,

now let the bet stand

Well, you can't pull the wool over me,

'cause I'm a confidence man

Well, you can't pull the wool over me,

'cause I'm a confidence man.

Well, you can't pull the wool over me,

'cause I'm a confidence man.

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