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Lowercase You

de The June Spirit / an -


If I could only find the words
There's so many in my mind
None of them fit just like you describe
How I feel tonight
And if I could put a few together
Then maybe you'd understand
All the ways I feel about you
But I don't think I can
You say indescribable words
How to describe me
But in my eyes you're the only
Indescribable one I see
I never told you this but you're
Something I don't want to miss
So I cant say that we can be
Indesribable you and me
If I could only find the words
There's so many in my mind
None of them fit just like you describe
How I feel tonight
And if I could put a few together
Then maybe you'd understand
All the ways I feel about you
But I don't think I can
You say indescribable words
How to describe me
But in my eyes you're the only
Indescribable one I see
I never told you this but you're
Something I don't want to miss
So I cant say that we can be
Indesribable you

If it were to rain today.
It's describing you and me.
I stand on a mountain top and scream.

You will not ruin this today.

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