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INFO - 114


de The Majority Says / an -


Did you get my last call

Regarding the new glass ball

Oh so sound

Shiny shiny balls of gold

How I wish that I never grow old

Oh so

So they say

How are things today

Hold on wait up

They take me overseas

So they say

How are things today

Hold on wait up

Where I want to be

 These hands are made for picking dandelions

My feet are mine to walk on grass

Sunday morning wakes up

Bring my stairs down for a cupa

Oh so sound

Wish my time was more like yours

But arrogance is grasping my source

Oh so

So they say

How are things today

Hold on wait up

They take me overseas

So they say

How are things today

Hold on wait up

Where I want to be

God forgotten the common people like you

And they would never ask me for the truth

The truth

We would go back eighty years

Share our laughs and cherish our tears

Oh so

So they say

How are things today

Hold on wait up

They take me overseas

So they say

How are things today

Hold on wait up

Where I want to be...

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