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de The Script / pe #3 / an -0001


Give me highs, give me lows,

Give me thorns with my rose

I want everything

When you laugh, when you cry,

If you're sober or high,

I want everything

Give me love or hate,

You can bend me 'til I break

Give me fire, give me rain,

I want joy with my pain

I want your fears, your hopes,

The whole kaleidoscope

With you, with you

Our colours come alive when I collide with you

With you, with you

Our colours come alive when I collide with you

Oh oh oooh yeah

Give me nothing, give me faith,

I want give with my take,

I want everything

Give me life, give me death,

Or your biggest regrets,

I want everything

Show me your fears, show me your scars,

I'll take whatever is left of your heart

Give me heaven, give me hell,

All the dreams you try to sell,

I want your fears, your hopes,

The while kaleidoscope

With you, with you

Our colours come alive when I collide with you

With you, with you

Our colours come alive when I collide with you

Oh oh oooh yeah

Without you it's shadows through night's black pitch,

There's a hundred thousand light bulbs but there ain't no switch

Living in darkness, fear in the night,

Oh what a feeling when I see that light

With you, with you

Our colours come alive when I collide with you

With you, with you

Our colours come alive when I collide with you

Oh oh oooh yeah

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