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Perfect World

de The Weekend / an -


Wherever you run to

I'm gonna follow you

Past the belfry and into the city

I'll find out where you are

Jump into someone's car

And bring you back home

If you run to the west coast

I'll call from my eastern side

I'll find out where you are

You know I could find a ride

And if this one thing's true

I know that I'll find you and bring you back home

And so the town was talking

So you started walking

The town was talking

So you started walking

In a perfect world

I'd be your only girl

And we wouldn't have to keep it

Just a dirty little secret

You're not where you're meant to be

That's right in front of me

'Cause you went off your own way

Because I couldn't make you stay

But I want to make it right

I'll look for you every night

And bring you back home

But I've seen the loneliest hearts in my travels

They're waiting around while this whole thing unravels

And I've seen the loneliest hearts in my travels

But I don't want that for myself

I know I've messed up

When you say you've had enough

And that you couldn't be with me

But I want to make you see

That I'll always love you dear

Let me make one thing clear

I'll bring you back home

Yes I'll always love you dear

And let me make one thing clear

I'll bring you back home

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