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Indian Outlaw


I'm an Indian outlaw

half Cherokee and choctaw

my baby she's a Chippawa

she's a one of a kind

All my friends call be Bear claw

village chieftain is my pa pa

He gets his orders from my ma ma

She make's him walk the line

You can find me in my Wigwam

I'll be beatin' on my tom tom

Pull out the pipe and smoke ya some

Hey, and pass it around

Cause i'm an Indian outlaw

Half Cherokee and Choctaw

My baby she's a Chippawa

She's a one of a kind

I aint lookin' for trouble

We can ride my pony double

Make your little heart bubble, ohh

Like a glass a wine

I remember the medicine man

He caught the runnin' water in my hands

Drug me around by my head band

Said I wasen't her kind

Cause I'm an Indian outlaw

Half Cherokee and Choctaw

My baby she's a Chippawa

She's a one of a kind

I can kill a Deer or Buffalo

With just my arrow and my hickory bow

From a hundred yards don't ya know

I do it all the time

They all gather round my teepee

Late at night tryin' to catch a peek at me

In nothin but my Buffalo breifs

I got 'em standin' in line

Cause i'm an Indian outlaw

Half Cherokee and Choctaw

My baby she's a Chippawa

She's a one of a kind

Cherokee people

Cherokee tribe

So proud to live

So proud to die

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