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Tiny Town

de Tracy Byrd / pe Greatest Hits / an 2005


I grew up

in a tiny town.

Sidewalks rolled up

when the sun went down,

and we played in the streets

'till my mom said come in,

in that tiny town.

My dad ran a station

by the railroad track.

Half his life

spent on his back

underneath a car

Lord he worked so hard

in that tiny town.

They say home is where your heart is

And I guess it's true.

And they say you can't go back

But I close my eyes

and I'm drivin through.

My mom sold Avon

in the neighborhood.

I'd wait in the car

hopin she'd done good.

So I'd have a dime to spend

on the icecream man

in that tiny town.

I got the car

when I was just 15

and 5 dollars bought

a lot of gasoline

to the drive in picture show

where we used to go

in that tiny town.

They say home is where your heart is

And I guess it's true.

And they say you can't go back

But I close my eyes

and I'm drivin through.

Now the years

they fly by so fast.

So much in life

we lose to the past,

but I'm proud to say

that I was raised

in a tiny town.

Yeah I'm proud to say

that I was raised

in a tiny town.

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