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de Trapdoor Social / an -


Turned pale gasping for air

Hands tied on top of a chair

Time goes by so callously

Outside walking around

Seem free but carefully bound

Woken everytime I sleep

But I wouldn't dream it

If I hadn't seen it

Staring out

No one could deserve this

Hanging from a rope that never ends

Every second I'm nervous

Still think that there's a purpose

Waiting for the slack to reach it's end

It can't be long now

Think slow but fast on the draw

Let slip the things that I saw

Tangled up inside my head

And I can't forget them

Wait for the doorknob to turn

Lie wake waiting to learn

Dreams bleed out into my bed

And I'm lying in them

But I wouldn't dream it

If I hadn't seen it

Staring out

No one could deserve this

Hanging from a rope that never ends

Every second I'm nervous

Still think that there's a purpose

Waiting for the slack to reach it's end

It can't be long now

Ships are floating away x3

[Not enough for me... x2]

No one could deserve this

Hanging from a rope that never ends

Every second I'm nervous

Still think that there's a purpose

Waiting for the slack to reach it's end

It can't be long now

[Run right now you're in the clear]

It can't be long now

[Cut it loose and dissapear]

It can't be long now

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