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de Trial / an -


Take what you feel inside of this room and break away

I'll bring the feeling of this moment when I leave

Envision what life could be

If we move beyond comfort and ability

We'll rot in this tomb until we start to move

No one is handing "change" our way

Facing each day with so much to say

And in the absence of action

Even our screams are worth something

What we want we must create what we risk will be regained

What we'd assume we must forsake what's been destroyed...

What have we done? what do I know?

How far are you willing to go?

Never restricted by who I'm supposed to be

Looking beyond all that I can see

To make this a movement again instead of only a scene

Do you realize what that means?

What we make of this energy is everything

And in the absence of passion

Our screams are worth nothing

What we want we must create

What we risk will be regained

What we'd assume we must forsake

What's been destroyed can be replaced

Too many years spent "screaming for change"

And I see now that what remains

Is the time that I give and the chances I take

In the way that I live and the choices I make

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