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Summer Ice

de Troy Spratt / an -


Opinions seem to get in the way

You really shouldn't care what they say

And I, I just love to reach for the stars anyway I can sometimes but it's


Gonna leave this morning, gonna leave today

Walking anywhere now from the blue skies going gray

Now don't you try and test me and don't you kick my pride

You better feed me fire for the chill I feel inside

Hey how come it's warm out and I'm feelin' ice,

Ain't nobody skatin' on the water

Look at the calendar well, better check it twice

I just can't believe it's a summer day

If I'm sleepin' I don't need to wake

Don't get me up for what you have to say

Yeah you know your the one with anxious touch

The quiver in our voices way too much

Gonna leave this morning, gonna leave today

Walking anywhere now from the blue sky going gray

Now don't you try and test me and don't you kick my pride

You better feed me fire for the chill I feel inside

Hey how come it's warm out and I'm feelin' ice?

Ain't nobody skatin' on the water

Look at the calendar well, better check it twice

I just can't believe it's a summer day

Hey how come it's warm out and I'm feelin' ice?

I can't take the snow but I'll settle for rain

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