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de Trybe / pe Dissection / an -0001


She lays a trail of blood to help me find my way

She speaks ever so softly as I fade away

She wears her heart on her sleeve,

But I'm still not...


Blood, broken

Withered, in chains

Blood, broken

Withered, in chains

I've been straying away from life and now it's gone

The change came too slowly for you to see

Living above the crowd,

Staring up at the clouds,

I'm never coming back

And she loves me

And she feeds me

And she helps me

She takes me home

Blood, broken

Withered, in chains

Blood, broken

Withered, in chains

Living above the crowd,

Staring up at the clouds,

I'm never coming back

And she loves me

And she feeds me

And she helps me

She takes me home


Living above the crowd,

Staring up at the clouds,

I'm never coming back

She keeps me awake,

Pry my eyes out so I can see

So I can feel, so I can understand

This fucking pain could disappear

She eats my life away, I watch my body decay

Swallowing self-suppressive years

She keeps me awake,

Pry my eyes out so I can see

So I can feel, so I can understand

This fucking pain could disappear

She eats my life away, I watch my body decay

Swallowing self-suppressive years

My sadistic child, oh misery,

Maybe one day I'll get home...

And she loved me

And she fed me

And she helped me

And she left me!

She takes me home

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