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Darkside (Live)

de Unwritten Law / pe Lonesome / an 2000


Wont you come with me, lets go to a little place i know, it's to the west and we are all red eyed, it's where it raige kings all night in the darkside, yaa, SO just trust in me, take my hand and let me lead the way, don't brake cuz what there payin goes on in on in on, and i want what's mine, there no place to run so take your time, well i, i got just what your needing, right up in neeel in right in frount of, your coming down just call my name, call my NAME, YOUR COMIN DOWN JUST call MY NAME, JUST CALL MY NAME, AND LOOK INTO THESE EYES, NO NEED AND WONDERIN WHY, DON'T SLIP, THIS,TRIP,TO, THE DARKSIDE, DON'T SILIP THIS TRIP, DON'T SLIP THIS TRIP, DON'T SLIP THIS TRIP, JUST TRUST IN ME, TAKE MY HAND AND LET ME LEAD THE WAY, DON'T BRAKE CUZ WHAT THERE PAYIN GOES ON IN ON AND I CAN SEE YOU FUCK UP, YOUR COMIN DOWN JUST CALL MY NAME, JUST CALL MY NAME, YOUR COMIN DOWN JUST CALL MY NAME, JUST CALL MY NAME, AND LOOK IN TO THESE EYES, NO NEED AND WONDERIN WHY, DON'T, SLIP, THIS, TRIP, TO, THE DARKSIDE DON'T SLIP THIS TRIP, MESS WITH THE DARK SIDE, MESS WITH THE DARKSIDE, MESS WITH THE DARKSIDE, HERE WE GO AGAIN.

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