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de Vanessa Amorosi / an -


You say that you never had a mum and nobody needs you

So cry, so cry

You believe that life rolls by just to deceive you

By your time, by your time

YouÔÇÖre getting old

And the longer you take, the slower your pain will grow

It will grow, it will grow

You can close you eyes

And hope that when you open them youÔÇÖve got a brand new life

Friend youÔÇÖll find, you canÔÇÖt hide

You can give your life or you can lose your soul

You can bang your head or you can drown in a hole

Nothing lasts forever, but you can try

Look around you

Everyone you see, everyone you know is gonna shine

Grow up and make the best of what youÔÇÖve got

Of what youÔÇÖve got

The days are going by and youÔÇÖre sittinÔÇÖ on your arse

And youÔÇÖre wondering why

You say that youÔÇÖve never had a mum and nobody needs you

So cry, so cry

You believe that life rolls by just to deceive you

By your time, by your time

YouÔÇÖre getting old

And the longer you take the slower your pain will grow

ItÔÇÖll grow, itÔÇÖll grow

You can close you eyes

And hope that when you open them youÔÇÖve got a brand new life

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