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Country Song

de Verve / pe Bitter Sweet Symphony / an 2005


Dying is easy

It's what I'm living for

I heard a beggar

As he wept on my floor

These days I just cant find my ground

No one seems to see me as I'm walking around

Cause in these times there's no surprise

I don't need to fantasise

It's all here in my mind

Some days I'm fine

Nothing on my mind

Some days are ok

Only when I'm high

Love, life, happiness

Nothing more nothing else

Love, life, happiness

Nothing more no regrets

Love, life, happiness

Nothing more nothing else

Love, life, happiness

Nothing more no regrets

These are my times

These are my lives

Cause dying is easy

It's what I'm living for

I heard a beggar as he wept on my floor

Time, these are my times

These are my lives

These are my times

In these eyes there's one surprise

We don't need to fantasise

It's all here in our minds

Some days I'm fine

Nothing on my mind

Some days are ok

But I don't think that's right

Some days are ok

But only when I'm high

Some days are ok

But only when I'm high

Only when I'm high

These are my times (repeat)

Oh Come on (repeat)

These are my times (repeat)

Tick tock goes another one, yeah

Tick tock goes another one

Tick tock there's another one

Another soul gone

Tick tock there's another one gone

Another soul gone

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