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Sweet Memory

de Vivian Green / an -


It's just a sweet memory

Baby, of you and me

And how we used to be (Beautifully young)

Sometimes I just sit and smile

Thinking about you for a while

Wondering how you're doing now (So sweet)

(Repeat 1X)

I heard you were married, had a few babies

Put on a few pounds that grown men wait.

Heard you looked real good, making 6 figures

Well I could of figured

You were always ambitious

You went to college I did my singing thing

Moving around its hard to stay in touch

But I missed you so much over the years

Just wanna give you a holler

And say “hey how ya doin' these days”

It's just a sweet memory

Baby, of you and me

And how we used to be (Beautifully young)

Sometimes I just sit and smile

Thinking about you for a while

Wondering how you're doing now (So sweet)

(Repeat 1X)

How you were so funny, had me in stitches

And now any men I date must make me laugh

You kissed me in places I thought I was goin to hell

I would never tell my momma that

You were sweet didn't take my virginity

Cause you saw the good in me

Even thought bout marrying me

The future we tried to see

We went opposite paths

No, everything doesn't last

But I wanted to say, “Hey how are ya doing these days”

I guess I don't know you no more

I wonder how much you've changed

We would still have the same chemistry

Will you still make me laugh?

Will we still have a blast?

Are you happy?

Have you done all the things you've wanted to?

One thing I wanna do is see you

And just chill, just talk, and reminisce

It would make me so happy

If we could do this

It's just a sweet memory

Baby, of you and me

And how we used to be (Beautifully young)

Sometimes I just sit and smile

Thinking about you for a while

Wondering how you're doing now (So sweet)

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