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de Whitehorse / an -


They're bustin' unions in Wisconsin

We got mojitos by the pool

We got a talent for distraction

No reaction to the colic and the cruel

They're sinking battleships at midnight

We change the channel on a dime

When they break to a commercial, dress rehearsal

In our catatonic prime

Time is moving on

There's no marching band

Just some fuzzed out credits

Names of strangers

And a night cap in your hand

They're digging ditches in Zuccotti

We're getting famous by the hour

All our pirates are Johnny not Somali

Trading bad seeds for flowers

Everybody's got a ticket and a backstage pass

Everybody's going somewhere, someday

Even the mighty, they won't last

Night I had a dream... you were there

Weaving through the burrows

Down the highline

With daisies in your hair

They're bustin' unions in Toronto

I'm coming down from wishful thinking and the like

I'm sober as a judge

But the jury's out...

Drinking tonight

They're bustin' unions in Wisconsin

And praising Jesus in the schools

They keepin' science in the basement

Speaking tongues and making fools

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