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de ZUG IZLAND / an -


Shot down your instincts, turned into a freak

You said this was your first time

How fast changes come for you to finally see

Shallow plains for you to find what you...

There's nothing left!

For me on this ride

There's something left!

With you by my side

There's nothing left!

Noooo nothing left...

Stuck in with no way out a gift for your grief

Shattered your thoughts of a good thing that you never had

Hopelessly knowing whats right or wrong

Can't stop the feeling, it comes so strong

There's nothing left!

For me on this ride

There's something left!

With you by my side

There's nothing left!


Observe nature from a black top view

Left you defenseless hoping for defeat

Built on my fears

Confession of obsession

One day happy place for you to hide

There's nothing left!

For me on this ride

There's something left!

With you by my side

There's nothing left!

There's nothing left!

For me on this ride

There's something left for me!

With you by my side

There's nothing left!

With this ghost on my side!

There's something left

With you in my life!

There's nothing left!

Nothing left, nooo...

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