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For Starters

de A / an -



Well, we did this once before

And we're giving it some more

And it's OK to be as you are, you know

It's always five on one, you'll notice when we're done

That nobody got hurt

You're the same as what you were, you know, Yeah!

I've got something for starters

Throw it up in the air, and I bet you don't care

We're getting louder

Well, it sounds OK to me, on the desk at ICP

Roll the tape 'cause we're rocking album two

And our manager don't mind

'Cause we put that all behind

We've got another bite

And you know the time is right to rock for you

I've got something for starters

Throw it up in the air, and we really don't care

We're getting louder

Hey, it's another day in 'A'

I'm proud to be myself

'Cause rock made me this way

I said hey, I've got plenty more to say

So let me clear my throat

'Cause I'm not cool Britannia,

Not getting any younger

They hate me at NME

I don't care where you've been,

I don't care for your scene

You make me feel like an amputee

Yeah! I've got something for starters

Throw it up in the air, and we really don't care

We're getting louder

Yeah! I've got something for starters

Throw it up in the air, and we really don't care

We're getting louder

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