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Sorry But...

de A / an -


Two steps, over, real good, Oh yeah

Lurkin', waiting, goes to the edge of pain and

One steps, too far, in my, backyard

You don't, know me, you can, show me

Sorry I let you, sorry I met you

I need to let you know

You can't have everything

Be careful what you think

You can't have everything

You need to let it go

Your souls, enough, lost soul, my nightmare

Closer, closer, so I can always touch you

Can you think of someone else who only likes to plait my hair

So everybody needs to hug you, everyone needs someone else together

Sorry I let you, sorry I met you

I need to let you know

You can't have everything

I don't care what you think

You can't have everything

You need to let it go

Get up, need to let it go

Sorry I let you, sorry I met you

I need to let you know

You can't have everything

I don't care what you think

You can't have everything

You need to let go

Sorry I let you, sorry I met you

I need to let you know

You can't have everything

I don't care what you think

You can't have everything

You need to let it go

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