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Shut Yer Face

de A / an -


So come out fighting, second's out

Who's the daddy? Well there's no doubt

Got on thing on your brain, you all act the same

But you're alright

'Cos you are from Venus and I am from Mars

You'd like your penis as big as your car

Not so good in the sack - so what, d'ya want your money back?!

Yeah, you're alright

It's just as far as you can go, without going back again

Yeah, you know I'm right so shut yer face

I bet you think you know the place

It's just as far as you can go, without going back again

Yeah, you know I'm right so shut yer face

You never listen anyway

It's the way that you're scratching your balls when you walk

You wait till I'm watching the football - and then you talk!

You're never wrong, so bring it on

'Cos you're alright

'Cos I are from Venus and you am from Mars

You buy me panties that don't match my bras

Why so long in the bathroom? Baby I have to

Then it's alright

It's just as far as you can go, without going back again

Yeah, you know I'm right so shut yer face

I bet you think you know the place

It's just as far as you can go, without going back again

Yeah, you know I'm right so shut yer face

You never listen anyway

Smacking you, whacking you, flat out attacking you

Beating you down with my words over you

You're too hot to handle - maybe you're mental

But you're alright

It's just as far as you can go, without going back again

Yeah, you know I'm right so shut yer face

I bet you think you know the place

It's just as far as you can go, without going back again

Yeah, you know I'm right so shut yer face

You never listen anyway

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