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The Box

de Abney Park / an -


From the day she was born they brought her to it

It had opaque walls & a lid locked tight

She spent all of her life picturing what was inside

This perfect world that it's walls did hide

Can you see inside the box?

Can you be just like one of us?

For those who can see inside the box will live forever

And all the rest are dying soon

When she came of age she stepped to the outside

Told her family that she couldn't see

"I spent all of my life picturing what was inside"

This perfect world that it's walls did hide

And she said,

I can't see inside the box

I can't be just like one of you

For those who can see inside the box will live forever

And all the rest are dying soon

I can't see inside the box

When she told them so they started to panic

Asked her please, begged her to lie

No longer can we talk to a heathen such as you

This perfect world has it's walls locked tight

And they said,

Can you see inside the box?

Can you be just like one of us?

For those who can see inside the box will live forever

And all the rest are dying soon

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