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de Abney Park / an -


Victoria, come back to me

I should have never believed

You've been gone so long

Why did I let you leave?

Victoria, come back to me

I should have never believed

You've been gone so long

Why did I let you leave?

Was it simply my self-doubt

That made me give you away?

Thought I couldn't take care of you

Now I'll never see the day

Victoria, come back to me

I should have never believed

You've been gone so long

Why did I let you leave?

Victoria, come back to me

I should have never believed

You've been gone so long

Why did I let you leave?

Our family fell upon hard times

So many mouths to feed

Thought you could have a better life

How could I have seen their greed?

Victoria, come back to me

I should have never believed

You've been gone so long

Why did I let you leave?

Victoria, come back to me

I should have never believed

You've been gone so long

You've been gone so long

You've been gone so long

Why did I let you leave?

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