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Say So

de Allen Stone / pe Allen Stone / an -0001


This feels like something special so

Won't you tell me just how you feel

One little sign would be helpful to

Let me know that these feelings are real

Whatever you need guaranteed I will give it to you

Whatever the cost, everything that I've got

I will give it to you yeah


If you want me to love you

All that you must do is just say so

Say so, say so, say so

I am ready to love you

All that you must do is just say so

Say so, say so, say so

You've got that look on your face

Giving me reason to think that you might

I won't need to feel up this space

That has been empty for all of these nights

Whatever you need guaranteed I will give it to you

Whatever the cost, everything that I've got

I will give it to you yeah

(Chorus 2x)

If you want me to love you

All that you must do is just say so

Cause I am ready to love you

All that you must do is just say so

If you want me to love you

All that you must do is just say so, so, so, so

I am ready to love you so

All that you must do is just say so, so

If you want me to love you

All that you must do is just say so, baby, baby

I am ready to love you

All that you must do is just say so

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