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de Allen Stone / pe Allen Stone / an -0001


Every day the deficit grows, you spend more than you own

Papa always said to me, keep a close eye on your authority 'cause

You say that you care, I was unaware

You say that you care, I was unaware

All you do is push, pull, tear, we can't stretch it any farther

All you do is push, pull, tear, we can't stretch it any farther

Every day taxes increase, so is this our land or is this our lease?

Papa says son, it's the land of the free, as he broke his back trying to

make ends meet...

You say that you care, I was unaware

You say that you care, I was unaware

All you do is push, pull, tear, we can't stretch this any farther

All you do is push, pull, tear, we can't stretch this any farther

You say that you care, I was unaware

You say that you care, I was unaware

All you do is push, pull, tear, we can't stretch this any farther

All you do is push, pull, tear, we can't stretch this any farther

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