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Effortless Success

de Ari Hest / an -


This might seem a little difficult at first

But if you put in the time, you'll come out on top

Think of it like pouring a glass of milk

No mind games or secret codes

And then you get to drink

Arithmetic takes center stage

2+2 becomes a maze and I should just snap my fingers

But I cannot tie this easy knot

I cannot make my TV work

I must have been born unable

But I look so able...

I can sing for hours in a day

Lull myself to rest if I am numb

I can snore like the dickens

What if I lost all this mastery?

Gave it away by accident

What would I do then?

Could I buy it back

Could I buy it back, please?

How much do you want for it?

A dollar? oh, a tell will do

How about some kind a guarantee?

Stamp it on

Can I trade it?

And just imagine, the thrill that I've felt

Trying all these death-defying stunts

You say "it's normal baby" but if that's so

Then people have effortless success

You can do, you can do anything

If you set your mind to it

What if your mind doesn't work as it should?

What do you do then?

What if I should miss a step?

Do I, do I just start again?

Or can I patch things up

And go from there?

And just imagine, the thrill that I've felt

Trying all these death-defying stunts

You say "it's normal baby" but if that's so

Then people have effortless success

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