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Morning Streets

de Ari Hest / an -


London woke me up

From a comfortable sleep

With the screech of a tire

And a monotonous beep

I pulled back on the blinds

And took a one-eyed peak outside

The sun was catching a ride

On an innocuous cloud

Out on the morning streets

The Friday late-night crowd

Heading home from a night

Of tasteless jokes and alcohol

I am aware that I haven't been here for long

I am aware that I haven't been here for long

I don't feel the need to call you up

I'm good

I decided to walk

In the direction of north

Where I saw two kites there

Dancing back and forth

Never knowing where next

They would blow off to or how long they'd fly

And after hitting the park

I continued on

To a bank where

The machine said I was overdrawn

By a hundred or two

Doesn't worry me like it used to

I am aware that I haven't been here for long

I am aware that I haven't been here for long

I don't feel the need to call you up

Wouldn't want to go and interrupt

I don't feel the need to call you up

I'm good

I am aware that I haven't been here for long

But this moment is rare, I want it stay so long

I don't feel the need to call you up

Wouldn't want to go and interrupt

I don't feel the need to call you up

I'm good

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