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Casual Love


Walking on eggshells, afraid of what I'll say

I have to be careful or you might run away

Now I saw it in your eyes just then

It's not just in my mind

But if looks could make commitments

Then you'd tell me you were blind

Look, I don't want to have your baby

I don't want to be your wife

I don't want your tips on how to run my life

I just want to tell you how I feel tonight

Oh, I don't want to hide my feelings inside about you

Casual love is all I'm thinking of

I could probably live my life without you

Casual love

You're telling me a story, it's as if the volume's down

I watch your mouth, it's moving but I don't hear a sound

Except this beating in my chest, this buzzing beneath my skin

If I had to take a guess I'd say it's love I'm falling in

Oh I don't want to hide my feelings inside about you

Casual love is all I'm thinking of

I don't have to build my life around you

Yeah it's casual love, that's all I'm thinking of

He loves, he loves me not, he'll never tell

I never say I love you tho' the words play thru my head

I get the feeling that you'd rather I just showed you then instead

O.K. you don't want to have a baby

So you're not looking for wife

I know what you're thinking it's the story of my life

Oh I don't want to hide my feelings inside about you?

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