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de Barbara Kessler / an -


The last time that I saw you

Part of you had been shut down

When we were young how I adored you

How you always played the clown

The other kids were frightened of you

And that crazy laughter

Oh but that's how I still think of you

You knew what you were after

Oh Kathy, whatever happened to you

Are you really happy letting this guy tell you what to do

You always had the last laugh

You always had the last laugh

Oh, Kathy

Are you laughing now?

Who knows how we were broken

Who can say just when

You started smokin'

And I stuck to the plan

I was frantic for approval

Like a moth around a flame

I thought you were too cool

But now I know you just hid your shame

Oh Kathy?

In that condo outside Portland

Where I saw you last

He did all the talkin'

Couldn't get down to the past

Oh I know why I'm uneasy

'Cause I couldn't pin down the change

We're never quite what we seem

But, now, you might say the same?

Oh Kathy?

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