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de Boundzound / an -


Now your hearts jump up

You move the bound club

You all ride on top

Of all I ever drop

I give you all I got

Your beauty is my plot

Hear this one love shot

Bang Bang Bang Bang


This is my better tomorrow

I've made it up in my mind bro

I call my lady Anna G

She knows to get in touch with me

Some like it straight

Some like it odd

You all be welcome in the spot

Wind from 9 to 9 around your spine

Nightclubbing time suddenly sunshine

Now your hearts jump up

You move the bound club

You all ride on top

Of all I ever drop

I give you all I got

Your beauty is my plot

Hear this one love shot

Bang Bang Bang Bang


Eyes sending signs in the goldmine

I've pumped a giant sounddesign

I turn it up our speakers scream

Let our hip pop together queen

Now the whole club turns upside down

New point of view way around

I am your doctor frequency

I've checked your tongue now come with me

Now your hearts jump up

You move the bound club

You all ride on top

Of all I ever drop

I give you all I got

Your beauty is my plot

Hear this one love shot

Bang Bang Bang Bang


To much on your boat what an overload

We can get in touch I am not your judge

Heres just one chance your body needs dance

Your soul needs friends your mind needs ends

Get a translation on this our station

Hidden location for a new combination

Be a detective find radio active

News in relation standing ovation

Pump up the volume

Pump up the volume

Pump it up


Now your hearts jump up

You move the bound club

You all ride on top

Of all I ever drop

I give you all I got

Your beauty is my plot

Hear this one love shot

Bang Bang Bang Bang


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