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So Long

de Boundzound / an -


Somehow something stocks

I can stand the lowend

Things gotta move on up

I want land where I can't

And I don't wanna stop

Being your friend

Your right hand

I make my day

This is my way

I gotta move on

But I open my door

For your heart and your butt

See I got enough chores

And my art keeps me smart

There ain't no better source

The end is hard so I start

I make my day

This is my way

I gotta move on

Go on

You are strong get it done

So long

Move on

Still you are the one I need

Hope you see all of me

I got to plant my seed

With somebody loving me

'Cause I like to breath

If you don't care

I get nowhere

What's up out there

Come on let's share

Our show must go on

Seems as you don't know what

You want to do but I do

'Cause I've written this plat

A sure shot that moves odd

But without you I'ts not

The same crew - I'ts on you

What's up out there

Come on let's share

Our show must go on

Go on

You are strong get it done

So long

Move on

Go on

You are strong get it done

So long

Move on

You've got it, you've got it,...

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