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de Breeze / pe Conviction / an -0001


[Vs 1]:

You see, the world is slowly dyin'

We gotta wake up & start livin'

And sin is calling my name with...

All of this temptation...

Now it's only getting worse here

But first things first we're...

We're losing sight of our first love

We need to go back to our Conviction!

Here we go


Here we go

We've fallen back again

We wanna change the world

But now we're blending in.

We're growin' weak and poor with No Conviction.

When will we wake up and live again?

'Cause I don't wanna lose His love

Blinded by these pleasures and lusts

How weak has my conviction become?

We gotta wake up and live again

[Vs 2]:

Don't say another word, let your actions speak

Tolerating all this sin, that's why you're growin' so weak

Dark deeds consume your life, now your ways are oblique

And you quenched the Spirit; Accepting defeat

No connection to the Vine, bearing fruit is unseen

Lost your fire and your zeal, now you're incomplete

Return to His Truth, He's the Light to your feet

We need to go back to our convictions!

Let's go!

[2nd Hook]:

Let's go, no fallin' back again

We gotta change the world, but where do we begin?

Let's grow deep & strong in our Conviction.

We gotta wake up and live again

'Cause I don't wanna lose His love

Blinded by these pleasures and lusts

How weak has my conviction become?

We gotta wake up and live again


Oooohhh wwooaaahhh

Come on, let's go

'Cause I don't wanna lose His love

Let's go—Let's go Deeper!

[Final Hook]:

Let's go, no fallin' back again

We gotta change the world, but where do we begin?

Let's grow deep & strong in our Conviction.

We gotta wake up and live again

'Cause I don't wanna lose His love

Blinded by these pleasures and lusts

How weak has my conviction become?

We gotta wake up and live again


'Cause I don't wanna lose His love

Blinded by these pleasures and lusts

How weak has my conviction become?

We gotta wake up and live again

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