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de Breeze / pe Conviction / an -0001



Let me paint a perfect picture

True Love of Jesus Christ the Savior

By His wounds we have been healed

Yes He died so I can live

Yes He died So WE CAN LIVE

Misled like sheep goin' astray

Almighty God He took our pain,

Lost in Darkness bound, But He was slain

Beat & bruised He stretched His saving hands

He she'd His blood for us

Ohhh Son of Man!


On that day He gave himself for me

Nailed to the cross so I could be set free

He loved us from the very start

Now adoration fills my heart


He reigns!

He took the pain

[Vs 2]:

We were all just hopeless sinners

But His love

Gave us Life &Resurrection...

We were-- made alive by His mercy

By His Blood I've been redeemed

By His Blood We've been redeemed

His Sacrifice remains the same

Now I must change and live by Faith

Let us shout out VICTORY!

Beat & bruised He stretched His saving hands

He she'd His blood for us, Ohhh Son of Man!


On that day He gave himself for me

Nailed to the cross so I could be set free

He loved us from the very start

Now adoration fills my heart


He reigns!

He took the pain


"Father, forgive us

For we know not what we've done"

Now, "It is Finished!"

And the battle has been won.

"Father, forgive us

For we know not what we've done"

Now, "It is Finished!"

And the battle has been won.

He took the pain for us

Redemption from above

Our debts are paid in full

By His mercy, grace & love



On that day He gave himself for me

Nailed to the cross so I could be set free

He loved us from the very start

Now adoration fills my heart


He reigns!

He took the pain

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