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He is the people's post and all the people know it

They've read his published stories in public lavatories

In town and country locals he's Mr. Antisocial

His violence does the talking those boots weren't made for walking

He's a coldblooded vulture he won't respect your culture

He's nothing like your good self he's come to burn your bookshelf

He'll gobble up your children destroy what you've been building

And when you're left to suffer he'll vivisect your mother

He is the Lord and master of every war and disaster

Every disease and famine, a place of cunning planning

He was in Vietnam he is the Ku Kluts Klan

He was the child catcher he gave us Margaret Thatcher

One day the Devil was in high good humour for he had created a mirror

which made everything good and beautiful reflected in it shrink to almost

nothing, and everything bad and ugly stand out more clearly than ever.

All the little imps who went to the Devil's school ran around with the

mirror until there was nowhere and no one that had not been distorted in

it. The Devil was much amused, and the mirror itself grinned wickedly.

Then the little imps decided to fly up to heaven and make fun of God and

his angles. The higher they carried the mirror, the more it grinned, until

it was shaking so hard with laughter that it slipped out of their hands

and fell to earth, fwhere it broke into millions of pieces.

And then it caused even more trouble than before, because all the tiny

splinters, scarcely the size of a grain of sand, went flying around the

world, and whenever a splinter flew into anyone's eye, it had the same

power as the whole mirror, and made people see everything distorted.

Sometimes a splinter of glass even entered someone's heart, which was

worst of all, for then that person's heart was turned to ice.

And by his royal appointment there'll be no more enjoyment

Thre will be no more bandera no more service will be rendered

The shops will not be open until he sees you broken

you've got to give him credit the poor man's Norman Tebbitt

Cruelty without beauty, beyond the call of duty

And beyond my understanding I find it so demanding

I wish I could forget it and be more apathetic

It's just it bothers me so how anyone could be so



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