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I'm not racist but

I am

I served my time in Vietnam

I've got three jobs

This is one

Sometimes I wish I'd kept my gun

This country's going down the tubes

I can't afford to pay my dues

Unless you've got some sponsorship

For Christ sakes buddy

Don't get sick

Don't grow old

Don't be poor

Do what you're told


Are you from Europe?

Well so am I

I came here in 1955

Half American, half asleep

Some day a rain will come and wash the streets

The CIA, the KGB

IUt's all the same conspiracy

The whole damn country's on the skids

You better tell your kids

Don't get sick

Don't grow old

Don't be poor or underpriveleged

Do exactly what you're told

Keep the motor running

Until we reach our destination

The grim reaper isn't coming

he's been otherwise detained

With Apocalypse practice and his other occupation

Behind the wheel of his taxi cab that's driving me insane

They took 4000 headers on a bus ride

Left 'em dribbling at the seaside

Where the sun would keep them warm

Give a guy a uniform

They live out on the freeway now

They're waiting till your car breaks down

Don't take the American dream to bed

One of these days you'll wake up dead


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