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Beyond All

de Cat Empire / an -


Meet me. Underneath the neon light

We'll go wandering into the night

There's something underneath the beat of control

Something. A music that is beyond all

Something. A music that is beyond all

You go to sleep, you wake up, you do it again

And there's a beat, you make up inside of your head

And every street's a river. Be born or be dead

We are all singing this song, but nobody knows how

It's gonna end

Kiss me in the coolness of the night

Take me further from the fire-light

This jungle, no one really knows where to go

Searching for something that is beyond all

We're searching for something that is beyond all

You go to sleep, you wake up, you do it again

Then there's a beat, you make up inside of your head

And every street's a river. Be born or be dead

We are all singing this song, but nobody knows how

It's gonna end

Break me, up until I'm pieces of sand

Blow me up, and scatter me across the land

Our bodies, they're hairy and they're fat and they're


I'm searching for something that is beyond all

Music, music that is beyond all.

You go to sleep, you wake up, you do it again

Then there's a beat, you make up inside of your head

And every street's a river. Be born or be dead

We are all singing this song, but nobody knows how

It's gonna end

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