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de Cat Empire / an -


Set in motion my imagination's miles

A million lights expose those magic cities on the Nile

And my

Young trials lead me sailing down this stream

Of hidden songs and steam and my

- Piano it floats and echoes

A moonbeam through the kite she sent

Read 'Is your wooden boat in sight?'

And while I replied 'it's not'

It was in fact not far from right outside

I would surprise her wake her up and rise her

Go swimming in the night's horizon then dry her

Offer the familiar passage of my outstretched hand

'Say when you coming home' she said

'Why not come on my boat instead?'

'Cos I'm tired of all your currents and your tides

Your moods creating whirlpools

And you're in love with the ride and I

Want - some - peace and quiet! '

So we fought a while caught our breath a while

I told her how the purple flowers glow along the river


She told me all she wanted was me home with some time

I showed her how the sky was only water inclined

I told her about the huts the kind of music we played

She reminded me that 'Flashes past a house is well


I told her about the spot where all the oceans collide

She said that 'You could have that with me every night'

And so

Set in motion my imagination's miles

A million lights expose those magic cities on the Nile

And my

Young trials leads me sailing down this stream of

Hidden songs

And steam and my

- Piano it floats and echoes

'So when you coming home' she said

'Why not come on my boat instead?'

'Cos I'm tired of all your currents and your tides

Your moods creating whirlpools

And you're in love with the ride and I

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