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Blue Grin

de Catherine Corelli / an -


Once more on a roll

I'm looking for something.

Unable to waste

Always ready to taste.

Too tired to be

Pathetically lonely.

Too eager to get

An illusion of happiness.

Once more I've got no home

And I'm looking for someone

To give me shelter and warmth

'Cause I'm cold to the bone.

(Don't know what stops me roam)

Somewhere I belong

But that place is a secret

For everyone

And, alas, it's unknown to me.

Again and again and again

You catch my wrist in your hand.

Again and again and again

I grin a blue grin

'Cause you're deaf to my heart.

You can't bother me less

Than you're meant to bother.

I can't be what you want,

Always pleasure and smile.

(My temples ache when I try to fake).

I'm not going to change

That's not in my power

No matter for you

Or for anyone else to come.

Why stopping me go,

Why holding me tighter,

(You can't take me the right way)

Why cling to my eyes,

Why pretend you know me?

(You can't take me the right way)

To someone I belong,

To the others I'm nothing.

(You can't take me the right way)

I know you are not

What I want for myself this time.

Again and again and again

You catch my wrist in your hand.

Again and again and again

I grin a blue grin

'Cause I'm deaf to your heart.

You're nothing special to me

No matter what you want

Like it or not.

We're nothing but you and me

And it is clear we can't be

A melted we.

Again and again and again

You catch my wrist in your hand.

Again and again and again

I grin a blue grin

'Cause you're deaf to my heart.

Again and again and again

You catch my wrist in your hand.

Again and again and again

I grin a blue grin

'Cause you're deaf to my heart.

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