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Fixing Kiss

de Catherine Corelli / an -


Woke up, shower, danced at the mirror,

Soothed my breasts with aroma gel,

Checked my feet for hair, (midday nearer),

I'm too nervous. (Why the hell?)

Kettle boiling, wardrobes wide open,

Skirts and bras messed on the bed,

Brake for a smoke (damn the lighter – it's broken),

Made an 'o' – my lips pale red.

My mascara's too old, too thick, fading,

Eye-bags (shit! ), the cheek's skin dry,

Spread some crème, my hot coffee waiting,

Bread and butter, milk denied.

Face toned, eye-lashes brushed (got the shivers),

Rushing naked to and fro,

I'm getting late, time checked when opening the front


Each time we kiss

You fix me tenderly...


Each time we kiss

You take me whole, and I'm safe...

We get what we crave.

Bus, tube, taxi, a smoke on the front seat,

It started snowing, I take haste,

Kneels got cold, I watch but cannot see

Through the window all looks erased.

Paid the tax, got out (it's so windy),

Someone calling on the phone,

That's not you, and I keep repeating

Slipknot's 'Circle' on my own.

You're here, I know, you waited for so long,

I can feel your thoughts so near,

In the crowd they taste like solo,

Each and all of them I hear.

A moments search, and there I can see you,

My glance is caught, our smiles cohere,

I got late, but anyway now I am here.

Each time we kiss

You fix me tenderly...


Each time we kiss

You take me whole, and I'm safe...

We get what we crave.

Each time we kiss

You fix me tenderly...


Each time we kiss

You take me whole, and I'm safe...

We get what we crave.

Every time we kiss it's like we're

Drunken of the sweetest wine.

And the only reason why

Is I am yours, and you are mine.

Every time we kiss it's like we're

Drunken of the sweetest wine.

And the only reason why

Is I am yours, and you are mine.

We kiss...

We kiss...

Each time we kiss

You fix me tenderly...


Each time we kiss

You take me whole, and I'm safe...

We get what we crave.

Each time we kiss

You fix me tenderly...


Each time we kiss

You take me whole, and I'm safe...

We get what we crave.

Each time we kiss

You take me whole, and I'm safe...

Each time we kiss

You take me whole, and I'm safe...

We kiss...

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