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I'm Silk

de Catherine Corelli / an -


I can never emulate

That I'm in love when I hate.

And I'm not goin' to give you hope

Because you really miss.

I know you wanna suck my face

And I know you wanna suck my soul,

But I won't let you just in case

You strive to get me whole.

It's time to save me from your sins

And I swear I'll save you from mine.

When love is gone the hurt begins:

Our eyes will never ever rhyme.

So call it luck or call it fate

It's neither early, nor too late

To let go everything we had

Forget me – we're no longer mad.

Don't breathe on my hair 'cause I turn to silk,

Don't breath on my neck 'cause I turn to milk,

Don't breath on my cheeks 'cause I'll melt like wax,

Don't breathe on my feet 'cause I'll collapse.

Fading in and out

You will never make me doubt.

I'm not the one for you,

I know for sure it's true.

Memories disappear

With my whisper that you hear,

I'll fade into the dark...

And gently slip away...

I'm silk...

You'll never see me anymore

And never touch me like before,

You'll never ever find a way

To trace me through the wind.

It's time to save you from my charms

It's time to leave, time to unlock our arms,

Time to forget, time for a rush,

Time to wake up, time for a push.

Don't breathe on my hair 'cause I turn to silk,

Don't breath on my neck 'cause I turn to milk,

Don't breath on my cheeks 'cause I'll melt like wax,

Don't breathe on my feet 'cause I'll collapse.

Fading in and out

You will never make me doubt.

I'm not the one for you,

I know for sure it's true.

Memories disappear

With my whisper that you hear,

I'll fade into the dark...

And gently slip away...

I'm silk...

Fading in and out

You will never make me doubt.

I'm not the one for you,

I know for sure it's true.

Memories disappear

With my whisper that you hear,

I'll fade into the dark...

And gently slip away...

I'm silk...

Don't breathe on my hair 'cause I turn to silk,

Don't breath on my neck 'cause I turn to milk,

Don't breath on my cheeks 'cause I'll melt like wax,

Don't breathe on my feet 'cause I'll collapse.

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