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INFO - 2 4 1

2 4 1

de Jo Nash / pe A Little Strange / an -0001

VERSURI - 2 4 1

I went to a pawnshop to sell what I've used

To buy something else fairly new

But once I walked inside of that store

I felt as if I had been there before

I said hey sir, excuse me

Can you sell me something I've already seen?

And he said only a blind man counts on others to see

But if you buy two, I'll give you one for free.

I told him no, you can't convince me

To buy more of something than I need

I don't worry about what I own

'Cause only selfish men die alone

Hey sir excuse me,

Can you sell me something I've already found?

And he said only a crippled man counts on others to get around

But if you buy two, I'll give you one for free

And he held out his hands to me

His open palms were pointing to the sea

And there were so many lines

His skin was like the bark of an old tree

Hey son excuse me

Do you know how I became this wise?

Because I never close my eyes

So please, take my advice

Buy two and I'll give you one for free

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