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de Jo Nash / pe A Little Strange / an -0001


Her face felt the breeze

And she fell to her knees to pick the stem.

The daisy looked pretend in a garden of weeds.

He was the gardener here, the one who cared

If marigolds and lilacs would be found

But now he's the one under the ground.

Beauty hides in places

To change the faces of the known

It shines a light through

To get a good view

Of what's been overgrown

She looks out the window, wondering where the leaves go

When they fall every winter and grow back each year

But she finally sees what he carved in the tree

A heart with writing inside,

Emmett and Daisy, forever, for life.

Beauty hides in places

To change the faces of the known

It shines a light through

To get a good view

Of what's been overgrown

She spent his last days worrying about things that don't matter

While he stared at the sun after living a life in shadow

He tried to make her understand that everything doesn't have a plan and held out his hand to let her know.

Beauty hides in places

To change the faces of the known

It shines a light through

To get a good view

Of what's been overgrown.

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