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I like you, you like me

This could be so easy

It's early, still learning

Only one kiss down and lots of flirting

Sleepover and all night

Your hand crawls closer up my thigh

It's all so innocent

I can't wait to see where this thing heads

But I heard the funniest thing that you forgot to tell me

When your friend came up to me I didn't see it coming


You didn't wanna say

You got a girlfriend

But I found out anyway

You got a girlfriend

Badum badum

I like you, you like me

This could be so easy

You say it's complicated baby

But it comes down to one simple thing

Two answers – yes or no

Do you have a girlfriend? You say yea, so I go

'Cause I wont play like that

I'm a whole girl can't make me a half

And you still want me to stay to see what happens

But I'm single and there's way, way too many options


You didn't wanna say

You got a girlfriend

But I found out anyway

You got a girlfriend

You play the victim oh it's hard, you're juggling so many hearts

And you, you've never done this before (I'm sure)

Come on the games you play I see right through


I bet she's pretty, it was probably just an attraction thing with me

You might get married and be so happy, but in a year I bet you'll cheat


You didn't wanna say

You got a girlfriend

But I found out anyway

You got a girlfriend

You play the victim oh it's hard, you're juggling so many hearts

And you, you've never done this before (I'm sure)

Come on the games you play I see right through

You got a girlfriend

Badum badum badum you got a girlfriend

Badum badum badum you got a girlfriend

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