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Miss You


It's not as simple as a bandaid

You can just rip off with one pull

It's more like running with your hands tied

Eventually you're gonna fall

It's hurting layer after layer

In the most unexpected ways

Like when I'm smiling in the sunshine

Then your favorite song starts to play

I see you in everything I do, you're in every word I hear, in all the clothes I wear

I want to look the other way, but then someone says your name—you're still here


I miss you

I miss you

It's like there's postcards with your picture

Coming through the mail each day

At every gas station and stoplight

I swear I see your car pull away

A guy with a baseball hat on

He turns around

I can't help but to feel disappointed

I thought it was you now

I taste you in everything I eat, I see you walk on every street, you're in every newspaper I read

And when I look up at the sky, all I can think of is your eyes—they were the same color blue


I miss you

I miss you

Today I heard the funniest joke and I laughed

But I didn't hear you laughing back

It didn't sounds the same

And tonight I couldn't fall asleep so I turned on late-night TV

And your favorite movie played back

Played back, played back


I miss you

I miss you

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