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de Kill Creek / an -


She said, "You want out". I said, "I know now, I know it,

But it doesn't make any sense. I spread me all out,

Expose for a freak. I have to be the petting-zoo for the

Weak." I guess it's time that I took control of things

Again. Try to pack the privacy back inside. I guess I'm

Facing up to the working kind, I hear there's no applause

For the pitiful out there, but that's not me; I think

I've gotta have a myth to apply to the lie. So I feel

Free to forge a fraud that'll play to the youth of the

World. And this charade is compliments of the mouse and

The trap he made. He let me go: that's the catch, cause I

Couldn't go away. She said, "That's a smile". I said,

"Keep it down, I know it, but it doesn't sell anything.

Look angry as hell, they clap when I fail. It's annoying

But a glutton tries anything". I don't know if the real

Me wants to leave that trap at all; bring it on mouse,

Let's take this outside...

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