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Wuss Cliff

de Kill Creek / an -


Hold on, you say you're always giving; I don't resent

Receiving, it's just that the generous are always first to

Call the rest selfish. And now I stand accused and made

To feel indebted. I guess it's sometimes easy not to feel

Yourself draw in. If you decide to leave, well I know

I'll be the worst to grieve. But if Jesus reaches out to

Me, I'll cut the beggars hand 'cause love dressed as

Support I tend to perceive as demand. It seems to me,

When I come home and find a note on the lawn with a

Suitcase and the dresser drawers, that says you'll wait

For the man that can hide you away from the world, that

If you would have wanted less, then I could be that man

Right now. Listen. You finally caught me speaking. I'm

Not too much for sharing; I just assume that you don't

Need the weight of what I've been thinking. Here I am

Consumed. And if you feel disparaged, then you should go

Since I don't have the decency myself. If you decide to

Leave, well I know I'll be the worst to grieve. But if

Jesus reaches out to me, I'll cut the beggars hand 'cause

Love dressed as support I tend to perceive as demand.

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